New York City History, as Told by 50 Bowery
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New York City History, as Told by 50 Bowery

Jul 27, 2023

By EMILY S. RUEB FEB. 12, 2016

The address in Lower Manhattan has been a lodestone for cultural, political and demographic changes of the city.

For more than three centuries, 50-52 Bowery has held a place at the crossroads of change.

Today, the parcel of land in Chinatown overlooks a trail of cars and trucks rumbling between Canal Street and the Manhattan Bridge.

In recent years, a Duane Reade and a Popeye’s Fried Chicken operated there. But in headier times, it was a gambling den run by a bare-knuckle boxer and a celebrated beer garden and concert hall that incubated Tin Pan Alley talent and Yiddish vaudeville stars. It served as a meeting place for soldiers and revolutionaries, Chinese Nationalists and a group of workers that was the first to organize a restaurant in Chinatown.

Each successive immigrant group has etched its character into the soil. At times, the spot was a haven for sin and vice. But it almost always hewed to the Bowery’s rough-edged persona.

When it becomes a hotel later this year, the site will have traced a circle of sorts, as travelers and locals again avail themselves of food, drink and amusement there.

Bowery Lane (bouwerij means “farm” in Old Dutch) was for a time the only road in and out of the city.

It was lined with inns like the Bull’s Head Tavern, part of a complex owned by Henry Astor. Cattle drovers from as far away as Ohio mingled with local butchers waiting for their turn at the public slaughterhouse nearby.

During the British occupation of the city, the Bull’s Head became a recruiting station offering “Gentlemen volunteers” $25 to enlist as Loyalists.

On Nov. 25, 1783, it was entered into the history books when Gen. George Washington assembled his troops there on Evacuation Day, as the British relinquished their hold on the city.

Washington Irving, who was a regular, later satirized the hotel as Hogg’s Porter House. It was “the capital place for hearing the same stories, the same jokes, and the same songs every night in the year,” he wrote.

And also the place where “some of the longest and thickest heads in the city come there to settle the nation.”

After the Bull’s Head moved uptown, the old tavern became the New-York Theater Hotel. It continued to host odd pageants, such as a show featuring two Mammoth Oxen billed as “the largest in the known world.”

For several years in the 1840s, the tavern was run by Tom Hyer, a butcher turned bare-knuckle boxer.

The saloon became a hangout for “sporting gentlemen,” who caroused in bars, gambling dens and brothels, and a meeting place for gangs in the Five Points neighborhood.

The Bowery was in its “Barnumesque heyday,” the historian David Freeland said. The upwardly mobile had moved uptown, and the Irish Catholic had arrived to a cool welcome. Dog fighting, bear baiting and horse racing were commonplace, and the brothels and flophouses were brimming with bawdy clientele.

In 1845, the tavern was severely damaged when the Bowery Theater went up in flames next door.

A German immigrant named William Kramer created what would become one of the city’s most celebrated beer gardens.

According to The Times, “the better class” of Germans frequented the elaborately decorated space, which could host about 2,000 at a time. They drank lager from dimpled glass mugs while taking in performances by the country’s first “ladies’ orchestra.”

It was also a place where Tin Pan Alley songwriters plugged their wares. “Daisy Bell” became a familiar song about a bicycle built for two after making its debut there in the 1890s.

On Sundays, when nonreligious public performances were prohibited by law, customers took in the sounds of one of the world’s largest orchestrions, a pneumatic player organ.

Consuming alcohol was also prohibited and the bar was raided repeatedly by the police. Some cases were dismissed, however, because the watery weissbier didn’t actually qualify as liquor. One police captain testified in court: “On Sundays the beer is much lighter, and I don’t think a man could get drunk on it.”

The bill of fare included Westphalian ham sandwiches, imported frankfurters (a best-seller) and oysters, prepared four ways. A bottle of wine could be had for a dollar, and weissbier for five cents.

By this time, much of the Irish population had left the area and residents of Kleindeutschland had moved uptown or to Brooklyn, forcing Mr. Kramer’s sons, who were now running the business, to adapt.

In Oct. 1910, The Times noted that for the first time in 52 years, the space had closed for the day (to observe a Jewish holiday).

“Dwellers of the Bowery paused and rubbed their eyes yesterday when they passed Atlantic Garden, for the front of the famous old resort, which has stood almost unchanged on its site just below Canal Street since before the civil war, was plastered over with billboards in Yiddish announcing a Hebrew variety program.”

The American Hebrew & Jewish Messenger reported that Miss Mae Simon’s show included “the old-style Yiddish entertainments, with an operetta to start the ball-a-rolling in three acts, followed by straight vaudeville and concluding with a rapid-fire melodrama in four acts.”

In 1911, The Times reported that the Atlantic Garden, which had been “a center for the German life of the city” would be torn down to make way for a $300,000 modern theater and an office building.

Plans to build a 12-story loft building on the Bowery and a six-story apartment house on Elizabeth Street fell through. Ultimately, the space was transformed into an 1,873-seat arena for boxing matches, at a cost of about $10,000, according to The Times.

For its first fight in March 1913, hundreds of fans filled the bleachers and stood in the aisles. Special policemen had to be brought in to manage the crowds outside.

The following year, a request was made to alter the seating. In the application to the Department of Buildings, the application stated that because women and children were not admitted, patrons could safely exit “by stepping down from seat to seat.”

The application was rejected.

The tall steel beams and wooden tracks of the elevated train blotted out the sun on the Bowery, creating an underworld in the shadows that would last until the 1950s.

In 1916, the real estate market was described as “lethargic.” That year, the Kramers sold the property, which included 46-52 ½ Bowery and stretched west to Elizabeth Street.

A projection booth was added to the third floor and a marquee was added to the front of the building, according to plans filed with the Department of Buildings.

After a fire ravaged the Thalia Theater next door in 1929 (the sixth time the buildings were destroyed), the facades on Elizabeth Street and at 50 Bowery were replaced to create new entrances for retail.

“Welcome to Headquarters of World’s Fair Souvenirs,” announced the sign atop Harry Kelner and Son.

The store, which sold “circus and carnival goods,” endured for more than three decades. It advertised rubber squeak toys ($3.50 a dozen), cat toys ($3 a dozen), stretched spiral balloons ($5 per gram), and Marx Colt pistols ($3 a dozen) in a 1959 issue of The Billboard magazine.

On the rear side of the property, facing Elizabeth Street, members of the Chinese Nationalist Party gathered in club rooms and offices, beginning in 1935. For the first half of a 10-year lease, they paid $125 per month.

For several years, the Chinese-American Press, Inc., leased the front half of the space. In 1945, the annual rent was $1740.

Around 1974, a Chinese immigrant named Joseph Chu bought 50-52 Bowery, when a novelty store, a Chinese hand laundry and a Chinese hairstylist operated there. Mr. Chu would later become one of Chinatown’s most prominent landlords.

The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank, with a sleek black facade and shiny gold lettering, leased the ground floor at 50 Bowery in 1977. According to The Times, the aggregate rent was $1.5 million over 20 years.

In 1976, The Silver Palace opened, the city’s largest dim sum parlor and banquet hall.

The 900-seat restaurant, the first in the neighborhood to unionize, would later be embroiled in a series of bitter labor and business disputes.

In the early 1990s, workers were locked out for several months after refusing to give up paid health insurance, some of their paid time off and a portion of their tips.

And in the early 2000s, waiters and busboys sued the restaurant, which had been renamed the New Silver Palace, over lost wages and confiscated tips. A Manhattan Federal Court awarded 17 plaintiffs more than $2.9 million in back wages.

By the early 2000s, the garment industry had collapsed. New Chinese immigrants continued to move in as others shifted to areas like Sunset Park in Brooklyn and Flushing, Queens.

A Duane Reade moved into the ground floor in 2003 and, for a short time, so did a Popeye’s Chicken & Biscuits next door at 52 Bowery.

Peking Dumpling Noodle and Jin’s Taste were both short-lived ventures, but the Golden Bridge restaurant, one of Chinatown’s largest dim sum spots, lasted for about five years. The menu included snails, fish dumplings, taro and fried dough covered with a rice sheet. But according to The Times, diners favored the chicken claw.

In 2013, the Chu family began excavating the site to make way for a 22-story luxury hotel. But a Bowery resident and amateur historian sneaked onto the site and released photographs of hand-hewn beams that he believed were the remnants of the Bull’s Head Tavern.

Chrysalis Archaeological Consultants, a private firm, monitored the site for five weeks and unearthed deposits of bottles, oyster shells and ceramic hotel-ware, a 19th- century cistern, the basement of the Atlantic Garden and the basement walls from an early 19th century residential building, according to their report.

Despite criticism from local blogs, which have abhorred the 22-story glass tower designed by the architect Peter Poon, the Chu family said it hopes the hotel will invigorate tourism in the struggling neighborhood.

The Museum of Chinese in America, where Jonathan Chu is a trustee, will also program an exhibition space on the second floor.

The challenge, he said, will be tactfully incorporating the Chinese-American story into that of the Dutch, German, Irish and other immigrant populations who have laid claim to the site.

“There’s a lot of history and we want to celebrate it,” he said.

Sources: Cole Directory; Chrysalis Archaeological Consultants, Inc.; “Automats, Taxi Dances, and Vaudeville,” by David Freeland; “Old Bowery Days,” by Alvin F. Harlow; Peter Kwong, Hunter College; Department of Building Records, The Municipal Archives; The Museum of the City of New York; The New York Public Library; Edna Nahshon, Professor at the Jewish Theological Seminary; The New York Historical Society; Adam Woodward.

Additional research by Alain Delaquérière and Jeffrey Roth. Produced by Rodrigo de Benito Sanz and Niko Koppel.


For more than three centuries