LTMA finds possible cost
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LTMA finds possible cost

Jun 05, 2024

The Ligonier Township Municipal Authority may have stumbled upon a new finding at the Waterford well site that could potentially save the authority hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Both authority manager Anthony Griffith and engineer Jake Bolby informed the board at the Wednesday meeting of its recent findings and the potential impact.

“We would like to have a conversation with (the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection) to shift their focus and explore the use of the artesian well,” Bolby said.

Doing so would “maximize” the well’s natural abilities and eliminate the need for a mechanical pump, Bolby said.

An artesian well is a water well in which water flows naturally from it.

The find came after routine maintenance of a valve and meter, Griffith said. A flow meter was found to be out of calibration and was replaced.

After replacing a valve, readings showed flows much higher than the expected 200 gallons per minute. Records and conversations with individuals familiar with the site had always suggested the well would only produce 200 to 250 gallons per minute, but that may be nowhere near the top end.

“It was kind of random, dumb luck that we ran into it,” Griffith said.

Should the PDEP allow the LTMA to pursue this angle with the well, the municipal authority will likely have to monitor the site and surrounding area for at least 12 to 18 months.

If it is found to be viable, the authority would not have to install a water pump, minimizing other work needed for it to be operational. That could save the municipal authority hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Back in November, the LTMA received two bids for the Waterford well project, which included drilling and installing a pump. Those bids came in at $400,000 to $500,000 more than originally expected. The project was put on hold while the authority explored grant options.

But that sticker shock may be gone if the authority’s findings turn out to be correct.

The Waterford well project came to be when the PDEP told the municipal authority the Glen Kalp Reservoir was undersized and in need of upgrades two years ago. At the time, estimates for the upgrades exceeded $1.5 million. Those costs are believed to be much higher now due to increased prices in construction.

Before adjourning for the evening, the LTMA approved the following financial measures:

The LTMA will hold its next meeting 4:30 p.m. Aug 16 at the Ligonier Township Municipal Complex.

Joe Wells can be reached at [email protected] or 724-537-3351 Ext. 30.

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